Saturday, 2 February 2008

Coming up soon...a holiday!

In a couple of days Kaydin and I are going up to my grandmother's old house near a beach for 5 days and I can't wait! The family got together to buy the house off my grandmother to use as a holiday home of sorts but I haven't been up there since Kaydin was less than a year so i'm really looking foward to taking him up there again and also to spend some time with just my grandma and me and kaydin. I had to ask Kaydins dad if we could swap weekends though as it would run into his weekend but he was ok with that which worked out well. That's just one of the issues surrounding shared parenting, when something falls on the other parents time and you really want to have your child with you and you can't reschedule (or in this case HAVE to have your child with you because we will be gone longer than just the weekend dad would have had him.)
I'm looking foward to taking Kaydin in the water at the beach, last time he wasn't that keen on standing or sitting in that cold, wet stuff, but now he really likes water. We will go for walks and collect shells, we shall swing on the rope swing on the water's edge. We will play games and cuddle up and watch dvds (Smurfs are his favourite). And we will go for a walk up the hill to visit Grandads grave to say hi. I just can't wait to spend quality time with Kaydin when we are so far removed from anything that quality time ( and quantity) is all we have. Soooo very excited!!!

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